Need a Vegetable Garden Design?

when i first started this business six years ago, i was fresh out of cornell’s permaculture ECO MIMICRY design school.

I spent the first two years designing vegetable gardens and edible/ecological landscapes for the local community. Back then the company was called Seasoned Gardens. Then, I moved to the country, went to functional medicine school and morphed the business into a nutritionist-backed, educational farm with a supporting product line. The good news is that I can still help you design a food/medicine garden, and over the next four weeks, I’ll help you get your garden going. Let’s get started!

My urban garden that served as the catalyst for many other garden designs!

Enjoy two different designs for you to look over as you plan your own vegetable/herb garden. Download these drawings to help with your own garden design drawing. Next week I will provide a more detailed “when to plant” guide, so between now and then, order your seeds!

This is one of my favorite garden designs that I drew up for a dear friend. This first garden planted the seeds that eventually led to her becoming a full-fledged farmer!

Here’s another urban garden design with easy-to-grow annuals and perennials. (Yes, that’s my own personal handwriting!)

Alright! Lots to do to get your garden design ready. Before next week, order seeds and materials to start those seeds. Where should you order seeds? My favorite seed suppliers (not affiliate links):

Share your favorite seed suppliers too please!

Until next time,

Farmer Ashley, Functional Medicine Farmer

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