Category Archives: Functional Medicine

What’s for Breakfast in the Fast Food Kitchen?

With the latest news from the EWG releasing data of detected glyphosate levels (a weedkiller mostly-commonly known as Roundup) in cereal, many of us are wondering what to feed our family for breakfast. An excerpt (Link to Article): “Popular oat cereals, oatmeal, granola and snack bars come with a hefty dose of the weed-killing poison […]

What is Ancestral Health?

Evolution is defined simply as change over time. When we (Ashley & Liz) reference “our ancestors,” we are referring to humans living before modern societies. We try to steer away from firm historical timelines and instead focus on pre- and post- modern times. We simply want to lay out the successes of “before” to find […]

A “Way of Life” Immune System

What do I mean by a “way of life” immune system? Lifestyle choices impact your immune system waaaaay more than a magic supplement or tonic. First, a quick overview of your immune system… Light Overview of Your Immune System Your immune system is your body’s most important surveillance system, protecting it from outside invaders and […]

The Mission of Food Freedom

In 2001, two months before 9/11, I swore an oath to protect our country’s freedom. And while I was not a front-line fighter, I quickly grasped the importance of freedom from both training and experience. It’s a paradox when serving in the military because on one front you are fighting for your country’s freedom, and on […]

Sauerkraut Recipe

It’s easy to learn the centuries-old practice of fermenting vegetables. Kraut is the first ferment I’d recommend to a DIY-er because it’s simple: cabbage, salt, garlic (optional), jar. As one man said after a recent class I taught — our consciousness as a society is rising; we don’t just look at calories and sugar content on […]

What is Functional Medicine Farming?

Why did I transition into functional medicine farming? And what the heck does functional medicine farming even mean? I am a farmer, right? How in the world is that connected or related to functional medicine? Food is everything. The way we manage our lifestyle is everything. Our culture needs to shift back to a preventative […]